​Beach day!! Two pdays ago! ‏

​Hehe I ran around in the rain and got soaked... it was really fun!

​I got a wee wittle froggy!

Sis. Abad... She is hilarious!! She calls me her chicken tender and pretends to eat me all the time. She also knows the entire pokemon theme song and rewrites other songs to apply to missionary life.  We'll sing one for you eventually on my recorder :D

P-day Hunger Games w/ zone

I introduced Sis. Morrow to the joy that is Sam's Club!! Hooray for cookie dough... it lasted her a week! :P

Package fun!!

The cool crew

A scary lizard thing that runs like a velociraptor!!

Happy Fathers Day DADDY!  Here is a hair-do (maybe it should be a hair-don't) tribute to you! Thanks for everything you do for me and I hope you know that I love you! I really appreciate your support and help in all things!! :P  Quingrapo Father!  Love Sisi Pie